Monday, July 23, 2012

2.2 Triple Threat

We're back again for another installment of The Spectrum of Life! We'll open today with our founder and his heir, enjoying a lovely breakfast of fruit parfait. A nice little homey scene. ^ ^

That night Oriole finally got her last promotion to Master Thief, and got her Fox statue. She looks confused, but I promise she's just admiring her awesomeness.

Bumble Bee finished Dakota's portrait. They look really dark in this shot but it's just because the room is dark. I'll have to get better shots of them later.

Dakota had another day off from work, so I thought I'd go ahead and finish his LTW. He only needs 8 more captives friends. Easiest LTW ever.

Unfortunately this nuthatch wasn't in the mood to be captured befriended. Poor Dakota now has a war wound in the form of a bitten finger.

Back at the house, the Spectrums were having a family-filled afternoon. Al and Spongy fishing together (Spongy in his undies of course), while Oriole gives Atticus some much-needed grooming.

That night, for lack of anything better to do, I sent Bee and Dakota out to the various night-spots around town to fix lighting settings and whatnot. They managed to sneak in a game of pool at the (edited) Watering Hole.

And an hour or two of dancing at Tribal (made by CK213).

Back home I had a mini-heart attack when I saw that pile of feathers, thinking School Bus had spontaneously combusted. Apparently that's just a mess he made on the floor, though. 

Also, HAI Seabiscuit! Nice to see you out of the garden for a change.

Out on the town, Alabaster has just finished buying a partnership into the grocery store. One objective for Gen 2 completed!

Then he decided to have his elder birthday. Outside. In the dark. *siiiiigh*

I waited til he got home to take an after-picture. I knew those overalls would get him one day. I think Al makes a cute elder. :>

I almost forgot snakes! We quickly added this Yellow Chondro Python to the menagerie, naming him Bell Pepper. It was also at this point that I remembered to buy an ant farm. Another task completed!

Oriole is assuring Alabaster that she still finds him the hottest thing on the block.

True looooove. :3

In another room, Gen 2 is getting busy as well.

And this time there are baby chimes. :D

Because the next day it's time for Spongebob to finally grow up and leave the nest.

Everyone turns out to help him celebrate.

Tadaaaaaah! I give you Young Adult Spongebob Spectrum. He had an A in school the last I checked but his last trait was still locked (wtf?). It was Daredevil though, so not too bad. He chose Master Magician as his LTW.

Also . . . Sponge has been waiting his WHOLE LIFE to wear this shirt. It's destiny.

And immediately he gets booted out of the house. Live free! Fish in your undies! Make little spongys with Talia!

Unfortunately I chose the Kick Out option. Word to the wise, don't do that. -_- He doesn't have a house right now and I can't access him from the town map. I can still call him over though. One of these days I'll have to invite him over, add to household and then place him in his own house manually. Oh well, live and learn.

Dakota - I wonder if there's a digital lake somewhere that all these digital fish grow up in?

Sometimes it's best to wonder, dear.

Haha! Success! Alabaster managed to bring a dead Death Flower plant back to life. It still won't let me do it on any other plant tho. Is that a glitch?

Also, Life Fruit! Finally!! I don't know how many special seeds I went through before I finally got one. -_- Since the game glitched and deleted my Omni Plant opportunity, I'm calling shenanigans and giving myself credit for growing every plant type. I'd have long since had an omni plant by now without that glitch. :<

I also have 8 different perfect plants grown, but for some reason the game won't give Alabaster credit for his LTW. What the heck, game?! >_< I took this screenshot as proof. SHENANIGANS!

Oh, Epic Beret Maid. You were doing so well. D: Why must you betray me?

In other news, BABIES SOOOOOOOON! I feel so wrong taking such delight in her suffering . . . but yay babies. :3

Alabaster earned enough LTHP to buy this bad boy. Since he earned it, I painted it white instead of yellow. Maybe I'll try to have a whole fleet of them, one for each Gen?

Once the garden is seen to, this is where Al is spending most of his free time now. He's coming right along in his skill, too, I have high hopes that he'll be able to max it before he kicks off. 

Maxing the Gardening Profession is another matter, though. He's only level 7 and it takes almost 15k in profit to advance now. Dunno if we'll make that or not.

Dakota has long since completed his super easy LTW, so now he's focusing on his athletic skill for work. Feel the burn, Dakota! FEEEEEEL IT!

I have no idea why they decided to sit outside to read their respective books, but it was super adorable so I had to take a screenshot and share.

Meanwhile Bumble Bee was inside, popping. Dakota's portrait is excite. Unfortunately this means another 4 days off from work. She has yet to actually go to work, still. -_-

The next afternoon this lady randomly came by to fish in the pond. It amused me because A. she's Oriole's co-worker and B. as you can see from the red aura, she's the Emperor of Evil.

Bumble Bee indulging her Couch Potato trait by playing some video games on the newly bought system.

Refreshing her fun motive for another marathon book-writing session. If she can't go to work, might as well work on the skill.

Atticus earned enough LTHP to buy himself a celestial salt lick. These suckers really come in handy, I recommend.

Bumble Bee got herself a lickable treat of her own. I've had the ice cream maker in the house since the initial rebuild and this is the first time I got around to using it. <--fail.

After the ice cream it was apparently time for a treat of a different kind. They both had wishes. I aim to please.

And then, the next morning, as Alabaster got out of bed his LTW randomly fulfilled. Again, WTH game? 

Alabaster - I needed to be in my epic white manties, obviously.

I'll go with that.

Our founding fathers are both old men, now. But they're still best friends forever. <3

Bumble Bee is about to pop, as you can see. I also took this shot to show off another one of her awesome paintings.

Dakota - I thought the ants were supposed to make little tunnels?

Yah, I dunno. It doesn't seem to do anything that I can tell. If I zoom the camera on it, a stream of ants will crawl across the top but that's it.

On her night off Oriole decided she'd teach School Bus how to talk. Bad idea on my part. Now everybody is constantly checking their phone from hearing it ring, but it's actually School Bus trolling. XD

It was also time for Oriole to have her elder birthday as well. Intense birthday face is intense. O_o

Awwwweh! Oriole makes another adorable elder, and I love how she's all "meh, so I'm old, whatevs" about it. <3!

AHA!!! Finally! I guess it just takes them several days to get it started. Slacking, ants. Very slacking.

Since her athletic is long since maxed, Oriole's been working on her cooking instead. She's almost maxed with that, too, though.

But more on that later. For now, BABY TIME! Complete with obligatory husband freak-out-dance.

Luckily they decided to take the motive mobile instead of Dakota's truck. They were both pretty low in their energy bar. But not anymore!! That Motive Mobile is so OP, I love it.

They arrive at the hospital. Also, I chose for Dakota to take her there, and for some reason Bee drove? Guess we know who wears the pants in this family.

All too soon, Bumble Bee came back out . . . with a BASKET! Oh lord . . . I suppose it's no real surprise. MC said her chance of having just twins was 1,000%, not even sure how that's possible . . .

Introducing first born of the third, ORANGE generation - Pumpkin Spectrum. Bee had an excellent pregnancy so we got to roll traits, which ended up being Eccentric and Excitable. She enjoys Indie music, PB&J sammiches and the color Lime Green.

Next is her sister, Apricot Spectrum. She rolled Absent-Minded (LOL, this is the family trait) and Friendly. Apricot enjoys Egyptian music, Crepes and the color Green.

And finally, their little brother Monarch Spectrum. He rolled the Evil and Clumsy traits. Monarch also enjoys Country music, Stir Fry and the color Blue.

Just in case you weren't certain, the children are named for the following ;



And Monarch Butterfly

 After the birth, the game tried to give Bee 11 more days off from work. -_- Not cool. I had to use MC to take those away, so she finally FINALLY gets to go to her first day of work. Good luck Bee!

Back home it's all hands on deck to help care for the triplets.

It's tough work with a lot of time management, but do-able for me in a regular legacy where I can control everyone. My ISBI is another story entirely . . . -_-

By the way, in case you were wondering, Atticus is still ridiculously cute. He'd just like to remind everyone, just in case they forgot.

And Oriole still throws some of the most awesome faces I've ever seen. <3

Well that's it for this installment! Join us next time for more baby spam. LOTS of baby spam. Until then, happy simming!

Generation Completion List - ( [X] indicates completed, strike-through indicates failure).

GENERATION 1 - The Farmer
  • Master the Gardening Skill [X]
  • Master the Fishing Skill
  • Max the Gardening Proffession
  • No woohoo before marriage [X]
  • Grow one of every type of plant (Including meat, cheese and Omni) [X]
  • Complete LTW (Perfect Garden) [X]
  • Have at least one child of each gender [X]
  • Marry someone with the Loves the Outdoors and/or Green Thumb traits
GENERATION 2 - The Journalist
  • Get married, woohoo, have kid(s) [X]
  • Max the Writing Skill
  • Reach level 10 in the Journalism Career 
  • Partner into a business [X]
  • Write over 10 stories/reviews
  • Marry someone work related 
  • Buy an Ant Farm [X]

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